Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Join your host Andrew Weiss as he interviews people around the world to learn about their journeys to success and what they wish they had known sooner along the way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes!
Andrew Weiss

Manage AirBnb Properties like a BOSS and Own Property by 21 Years Old | Luke Duffley

E11 • Mar 10, 2022 • 52 mins

Today I bring on my good friend and ISI brother Luke Duffley who is a Real Estate manager & apprentice contractor who goes over how to thrive in property management!

Key Points

  • Luke Duffley emphasizes the importance of having a reliable cleaner and a network of professionals like electricians and plumbers to ensure quick and efficient problem resolution for Airbnb property management.
  • He advocates for positive customer interactions, maintaining a helpful and personable attitude, and going above and beyond to create a connection and improve guests' experiences.
  • Luke highlights the significance of mentorship and joining community groups to learn from others' experiences and navigate the complexities of Airbnb property management and ownership.
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