Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Join your host Andrew Weiss as he interviews people around the world to learn about their journeys to success and what they wish they had known sooner along the way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes!
Andrew Weiss

Overcoming Adversity Through Bootstrapping Sales | Steve Hamoen

E53 • Nov 8, 2023 • 41 mins

Steve Hamoen exhibits both the business in sport a strategic focus and unwavering determination. He faces challenges with the mindset of an athlete and coach, recognizing that meaningful advancement often entails massive sacrifice. Spanning industries from real estate and mortgages to consulting and software, Steve's journey underscores a steadfast training regimen and a fierce competitive spirit. He epitomizes the principles of showing up, standing firm, and relentlessly pursuing improvement. With each challenge he encounters, Steve's resolve strengthens and results amplify. His ultimate goal? To motivate others to face their challenges head-on, harness their innate potential, and chart their own path to success.

Key Points

  • Steve Hamoon emphasizes the value of consistent small wins over swinging for the fences, likening this approach to base hits in baseball that collectively lead to success.
  • Having a growth mindset and being coachable are crucial for success, with the willingness to pivot and adapt being essential for overcoming challenges and achieving goals.
  • Building a sustainable and predictable business is more valuable than one-off successes, as it ensures long-term growth and adds value to the business.
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