Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Join your host Andrew Weiss as he interviews people around the world to learn about their journeys to success and what they wish they had known sooner along the way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes!
Andrew Weiss

Heal your Childhood Trauma | Radavie Riom

E34 • Oct 6, 2022 • 49 mins

Thirty years ago, divine guidance called upon Radavie to leave behind a successful entrepreneurial business and follow her soul’s agreement. Going through self-healing, Radavie deepened her understanding of the human condition. She knew that she is here to break the code that traps human kind. She is a messenger of the Divine Spark that is veiled and seen as the wounded child. Known internationally, Radavie leads clients through a Sacred Journey to discover inner peace regardless of their life circumstances.

Key Points

  • Radhavi's most significant accomplishment was not in her entrepreneurial success but in unveiling the human condition that trapped her, leading to a profound spiritual awakening during a plane flight, which now informs her divine service.
  • Healing childhood wounds is crucial as they create the "belief self," a conditioned identity that veils one's true essence and innocence, and addressing these wounds can lead to personal transformation and inner peace.
  • Radhavi emphasizes that everyone has been conditioned in some way, and by retrieving and healing the disconnected parts of one's soul, a person can reconnect with their divine spark and live from a place of presence and love, unaffected by external turmoil.
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