Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Join your host Andrew Weiss as he interviews people around the world to learn about their journeys to success and what they wish they had known sooner along the way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes!
Andrew Weiss

Master the Art of Sales & Accelerated Growth | Justin T.W. Hall

E30 • Aug 18, 2022 • 65 mins

Justin Hall is a business growth architect who partners with and acquires home service companies to engineer multimillion-dollar exits. He is an advisor and an investor who thrive to help entrepreneurs build a better network and establish their goals. He converted his not-so-good memory in their past family business to an advantage in his own entrepreneurial journey.

Key Points

  • Justin T. W. Hall shares his harrowing experience of being falsely imprisoned in Thailand for arms trafficking, highlighting the significance of perspective and the value of freedom.
  • Justin emphasizes the importance of sales skills in entrepreneurship, advocating that understanding the decision-making process and focusing on value exchange are crucial for success.
  • To effectively scale a business, Justin advises entrepreneurs to define their target customer, establish robust systems and infrastructure, and consider business credit as a tool for leveraging growth opportunities.
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