Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Rapid Results with Andrew Weiss
Join your host Andrew Weiss as he interviews people around the world to learn about their journeys to success and what they wish they had known sooner along the way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes!
Andrew Weiss

Raising $120 Million | Kerry-Ann Powell

E43 • May 4, 2023 • 58 mins

Kerry-Ann, with over 20 years as a DC attorney, lobbyist, and fundraiser, is an expert in strategic success. After raising $120 million for the MLK Jr. memorial, she founded Trafalgar Strategies, advising business owners on strategies and mindsets for success. Her expertise is recognized by international brands and organizations, underscoring the importance of small and medium-sized businesses to economies.

Key Points

  • Dive into the world of corporate fundraising and unmask its transformative role in businesses.
  • Realize the magic of passion and belief in selling an idea, service, or product.
  • Unravel persistent business issues and grasp the roadmap to their resolution for unparalleled success.
  • Cultivate an entrepreneurial disposition that embraces failures and uses them as stepping stones toward success.
  • Steer clear of business pandemonium and find strategic solutions that ensure smooth operations.
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